Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Who Doesn't Love Bread?

I can understand if you are on the whole no carbs diet why you won't eat bread. But if that does not apply to you I hope you love bread as much as I do. My bread obsession started sometime when I was in elementary school. I'm not exactly sure when but sometime around then I started eating all the bread in site. If my parents asked me what I wanted to eat, my response was usually bread and water. My bread obsession still lives. In fact it may have become worse. I probably go through a loaf of bread in about a week. Just me, alone. So when I found out my boyfriend's family owns a bakery in Germany I went nuts. I told him he had to make me some bread. When he did get around to making me some of the bread I nearly died. He didn't know what he was getting himself into. The bread was so good I got him to make some for my family and my friends (who all loved it). I know you guys may be thinking, well it's just bread how amazing can it be, but trust me. It is not just any kind of bread. Its authentic german sweet bread. It's not just a generic kind of bread that can be found in a chain supermarket. It is special. And Daniel has allowed me to share it on here for all of you. I know you will all enjoy it. Here it is:

What You Will Need:

1.48 oz yeast
8.45 oz milk
2.64 oz sugar
21.1 oz flour
5.29 butter
1 egg
Pinch of salt

How to make it:

First put all the ingredients together in a bowl, except for the egg, and mix well. Let the mix rest for 40 minutes and cover it. While you let the mix rest pre-heat your oven to 420 degrees. After the 40 minutes are up knead the dough thoroughly. Once you have completed the kneading process cut it into three long pieces. Braid the pieces together. After the bread has been braided take a brush and coat the bread with 1 egg. Let the bread bake for about 20-25 minutes or until golden.

Here is a picture of what he made for my 20th birthday!!

It was finished in a matter of days.

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